(Just click the link below)

SS1 - Inform

SS2 - Newborn Screening

SS3 - Homocystinuria

SS4 - Nutrition and Dietetics

Feedback Received

"Dear Roberto
The SSIEM administration thank you and your team for an excellent Conference and also to the PCO and the people of Brazil for their hospitality and kindness."

Mr Nic Law
Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM)

"Hello, Roberto
I am still basking in the enjoyment of the ICIEM meeting and seeing the beauty of Rio for the first time. It will remain one of the most satisfying memories of my career.
Again, my sincere thanks for a wonderful conference!"

Wayne W. Grody, M.D., Ph.D.
Divisions of Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics
Departments of Path. & Lab. Medicine, Pediatrics, and Human Genetics
UCLA School of Medicine
UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics
Director, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratories and Clinical Genomics Center
UCLA Medical Center

"Dear Roberto,
Congratulations to such a well-organized meeting with many highly interesting presentations and fruitful discussions.
I have enjoyed the time in Brazil very much.
I thank you very much for the invitation to participate and contribute a little bit to a congress that certainly was a major success.
All the best,"


"Dear organizers
First, I want to congratulate you. It was an amazing congress and so beautiful days in the great city of Rio.
On the other hand, I am writing to you to ask about official photos. I wanna know if I can get some of these pictures. Will they be available in the webpage? Thank you very much."

Biol. Favio Pesaola
Becario Doctoral CONICET
M.P.: 1299
Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (INICSA-CONICET)
Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas (CEMECO)
Programa de Lipofuscinosis Ceroidea Neuronal
Hospital de Niños de Córdoba

"Hi Roberto,
Sorry to take so long to thank you for organizing such a superb meeting. You always do an excellent job of organizing so that everyone benefits so much from the interaction. It was very nice to have an increased focus on lysosomal disease and MPS.
I also wanted to send along thanks from my wife Peggy as well - she loves the necklace! This is the first time I have returned from a meeting with a gift - thanks for your thoughtful selection!
All the best,"


"Dear Roberto,
Firstly, congratulations on hosting a successful 13th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. We wanted to extend a warm thank you for providing us was a wonderful venue and a network of support to host the 2nd International and Brazilian Patient-Expert Meeting. We certainly appreciate your support in enabling us to make a difference to the patients, families and healthcare professionals in attendance at the Homocystinuria meeting. We have received very positive feedback about the experience from the attendees; both in relation to the quality of information provided and the opportunity to interact together. We thought you may be interested to see the Evaluation Report; we have attached here for your information.
Once again, thank you for your support.
Kind regards,"

Tara Morrison

"I have enjoyed every minute of my stay here in Rio both scienticay as Well as socially and I would like to thank you and your team for the fantastic meeting you have organised! You can be proud of what you have achieved in the last few days! Congratulations!"
Best regards.

Ronald JA Wanders

"Dear Roberto,
I have to thank you for giving me the opportunity to come again to Brazil and to meet all my friends from Latin America. I enjoyed the symposium in Rio very much, I have learned a lot there."

Best regards, also from Marie-Luise
Prof. em. Dr. Michael Beck
Institute of Human Genetics
University Medical Center

"Roberto, Thanks to you for your hospitality. It was a great meeting."
Jerry Vockley, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Cleveland Family Professor of Pediatric Research
Professor of Human Genetics Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Chief of Medical Genetics
Director of the Center for Rare Disease Therapy

"Dear Roberto, just arrived from the wonderful meeting you have organized I want to thank you for everything we have lived there. Surely this meeting will be remembered for the high quality of science and the kindness of all the organizers. Everything was perfect. Young people of my team were delighted and motivated  THANK YOU !!! Im always at your disposition."
Ana Chiesa (Argentina)

"Thank you for a wonderful conference!!"
W. Grody

The Rio meeting was terrific. Great venue and well attended. I enjoyed the scientific program as did my faculty who were there. Thank you so much for doing it. I know that it was a tremendous amount of work.

Marshall L. Summar, M.D.
Director: Rare Disease Institute
Margaret O'Malley Professor of Medical Genetics
Children's National Health System

"Querido Roberto,
Ya estoy en casa después de una semana muy intensa e inolvidable. Creo que el ICIEM que organizaste salió perfecto, no hubo ni una pequeña cosa fuera de lugar. El homenaje que recibiste el Fogo de Chao fue super merecido. Realmente es un honor para mi contar con tu amistad, ya que la admiracion que siento es enorme. Por muchas aventuras científicas más!
Un abrazo"

Hernan Amartino

"Dear Roberto,
I need to thank you for the kind invitation to attend ICIEM and congratulation for the good job. Warm regards to you and your family."


"Dear Roberto,
A million thanks for this wonderful ICIEM !  Thank you for giving me the chance of being part of this great event, I am always very grateful to you! I also learned a lot from your 7 messages in your lecture...
Best Regards,"

Pascale Karam

I had a wonderful time in Rio and I really enjoyed the conference.
Warmest regards"

Prof Dr Eva Morava
Hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde
Kinderarts metabole ziekten
Editor in Chief JIMD

"Querido Roberto, te agradezco todo el apoyo para poder asistir a este evento, además de felicitarte por el enorme éxito tanto académico como social, una gran oportunidad de actualización y de relaciones. Te mando un gran abrazo."
Isabel Ibarra González MSc
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas UNAM
Instituto Nacional de Pediatría
Estimado Comité Científico.

Estimado Comité Científico,
"Quiero agradecer por toda la atención recibida durante los días pasado y felicitarlos por el excelente congreso ICIEM llevado a cabo con la mayor organización en todos los detalles.
Saludos cordiales
Muchas gracias"

Carla Asteggiano

Thank you from all of ISNS for organising such an exciting meeting in Rio. We especially appreciate the incorporating of an ISNS pre conference day which Gustavo will report on at the AGM at the APHL meeting.
Thank you


"Dear Roberto,
I would like to Thank you once more, Roberto, for organising this wonderful symposium last week in Rio which I enjoyed tremendously and thank you also for having me as speaker! The session Tuesday on Phospholipid  Disorders was also very successful with Fanny Mochel, Pedro Brites, Benoit Colsch and Michael Schlame as speakers.
Best regards"


"Dear Diego,
Thank you for your reply, and to ICIEM for providing the opportunity for me to present at an outstanding conference, that was very well organised! I really enjoyed it, learnt a lot and met some wonderful colleagues. I also enjoyed Brazil a lot. I look forward to seeing the photos once the official website is open,
Kind regards,"


"Ok .Congratulations.It was un excellent event.


"Dear Roberto & the Brazilian team, thank you. It was really an excellent meeting, the quality of the presentations was excellent, the party venue was amazing and I have really enjoyed the meeting and social programme
Grazie again for your hospitality.
Un abbraccio"

Carlo Dionisi-Vici
Division of Metabolism
Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital

"The congress was amazing.
Best regards"

Christel Tran

"Dear Roberto,
It is I who must thank you and your colleagues for hosting us so generously during the fantastic ICIEM in Rio!
I truly enjoyed the conference, both scientific and social events were a highlight for me. New and old friends, and I felt like a Carioca in your beautiful exciting city.
Kindest wishes,"


"Dear Roberto,
I would like to congratulate you for the exceptional quality of the ICIEM you have organized in Rio. The science has been very high and very inspiring for me, and the overall organization just perfect and highly enjoyable, particularly the Faculty Dinner.
Than you!! and warm regards,"

Antonia Ribes (ICIEM 2013)

I think that the event in Rio was most successful and I  congratulate you on this important event.  ISNS was certainly pleased to partner with you, and we appreciate this important partnership.

R. Rodney Howell, M. D.
Professor of Pediatrics, Chairman Emeritus
Member, Hussman Institute for Human Genomics
Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami, Miami, Florida

I want to thank you for the kindness and hospitality that you extended to the INFORM organization. Truly we could not have done this without your support.
I have learned a lot from planning my 1st International conference and even though we ran into a few bumps along the way INFORM was a great success much like the ICIEM.
The people of Brazil were so kind and caring and they truly are proud of their beautiful country.
I hope that we have another opportunity to work together or perhaps have a chance to meet again and talk.
I am sorry that I missed your BBQ. I hear that it was fantastic!
Best regards,"


"Dear Roberto,
I greatly enjoyed the informative conference and its surroundings.
Congratulations to you and your team to making it a success!
Also thank you for allowing me to actively participate.
I hope to see you again in the not too distant future.
Best wishes,"


"Prezado Roberto,
O tempo corrido não permitiu que eu te cumprimentasse ao final do evento.
O evento foi impecável do ponto de vista de conteúdo científico e com uma organização técnica e social muito boa, comparável aos eventos internacionais promovidos pela SSIEM.
Você deve se orgulhar de ter colocado definitivamente o Brasil no cenário mundial dos Estudos dos EIM. Foi um evento majestoso e memorável.
Meus sinceros e merecidos parabéns.
Um Forte Abraço,"

Armando Fonseca, M.D. | MBA

"Dear Roberto,
The meeting was terrific, and everyone that I spoke to felt that the scientific program was excellent.
Of course, Rio was also spectacular.
On behalf of the SIMD Board of Directors and members,  I wish to say thank you for your hard work and dedication to producing a meeting of such high quality.  I suspect that you are relieved to have the organizing work behind you, although you are probably already working on the next thing.
It is my hope and intention that the SIMD will continue to deepen our appreciation of our relationship with our global partners, particularly the  SLEIMPN.
Finally, I want to again personally thank you for your kindness and hospitality before and during our visit.  You, and the entire team, could not have been more gracious hosts.  I look forward to returning the favor one day."


"Dear Roberto,
I really enjoyed the ICIEM.
Some meetings are just one of the many, this one I will never forget.
I think your team can be proud of it.
Kind regards,"


"Prezado Roberto,
Foi um prazer ter participado do ICIEM.
O congresso estava excelente em todos aspectos.


"Dear Roberto,
Thank you again for the invitation and for organizing this outstanding meeting. I had a great time in Rio (my first visit) and I learned a lot at this meeting.
Best wishes,"


I really enjoyed the meeting.
Sydney will have a really tough time in trying to keep up with the high standard you have set for this meeting."


"Estimado Roberto,
Fue un honor para mí haber participado activamente y haber colaborado durante del ICIEM, gracias pro permitirme ser parte, por tu grandeza y tu humildad, la humildad de los grandes de quienes uno siempre aprende.
Fue un congreso maravilloso tanto en la organización como en lo académico, no solo para mí sino también para todo el equipo del lab que pudo asistir. Tenerlo tan cerquita y no aprovecharlo era un pecado….. Tenía pendiente felicitarte a ti y a todo tu equipo, de Rio me quedo con sabor a poco y con el objetivo de volver a esa ciudad maravillosa."


"Dear Dr. Giugliani,
Congratulations on a successful meeting. I personally enjoyed it, and learned from it, loved your country and the people of Brazil. I was also much impressed with all the respEct and love that your team has for you.
Thank you for allowing me to be of the faculty of this event
Muento Obrigada ( I hope I have the spelling right)
All best always,"


"Dear Roberto,
The meeting was a great success and I would like to personally thank you for your hard work organizing!!
Rio is an amazing city that exceeded all expectations, and people there were incredibly friendly and kind.
I will make sure to visit again with my family to enjoy more time exploring the city attractions and culture.
Thank you again on behalf of everyone on the NIH team,"

Irini Manoli, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinician Associate Investigator
Clinical and Biochemical Genetics
Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch

"Dear Roberto,
Just coming back from a fantastic tour in Nordeste (from Sao Luis to Fortaleza), I wanted to thank you. The organization of the meeting was perfect (and I know what work it represents …) and it also allowed me to discover your wonderful country. It was my first time in Brazil but it probably will not be the last time!
And thank you for the nice gifts I received: I did not have the opportunity to meet you at the end of the meeting.
Best wishes."

Dr Christine Vianey-Saban
Biologiste chef de service
Service Maladies Héréditaires du Métabolisme et Dépistage Néonatal
Centre de Biologie et de Pathologie Est

"CONGRATS on a great meeting…I truly enjoyed the meeting,the venue, your hospitality, the faculty dinner and, from my perspective,  the meeting was a great success!!"
R. J. Desnick, Ph.D, M.D
Dean for Genetic and Genomic Medicine
Professor and Chair Emeritus 
Mount Sinai School of Medicine

"Dear Roberto,
I greatly enjoyed the informative conference and its surroundings.
Congratulations to you and your team to making it a success!
Also thank you for allowing me to actively participate.
I hope to see you again in the not too distant future.
Best wishes,"


I want to thank you for the kindness and hospitality that you extended to the INFORM organization. Truly we could not have done this without your support.
I have learned a lot from planning my 1st International conference and even though we ran into a few bumps along the way INFORM was a great success much like the ICIEM.
  The people of Brazil were so kind and caring and they truly are proud of their beautiful country.
I hope that we have another opportunity to work together or perhaps have a chance to meet again and talk.
I am sorry that I missed your BBQ. I hear that it was fantastic!
Best regards,"


I think that the event in Rio was most successful and I  congratulate you on this important event.  ISNS was certainly pleased to partner with you, and we appreciate this important partnership. Cheers"

R. Rodney Howell, M. D.
Professor of Pediatrics, Chairman Emeritus
Member, Hussman Institute for Human Genomics
Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami, Miami, Florida

I want to thank you for inviting me to the ICIEM meeting and to congratulate you on a very well executed International meeting. Everything was great and the organization was superb.

Nicola Longo MD PhD
Professor and Chief
Medical Genetics/Pediatrics
University of Utah

"Dear Roberto,
Thank you for a wonderful conference and a memorable experience in beautiful Rio.  
Kind regards,"

Kevin A. Strauss,
Medical Director, Clinic for Special Children

"Dear Roberto,
many thanks indeed for inviting me it was an excellent meeting, beautifully organised and a very stimulating scientific program that I thoroughly enjoyed.
I spent two days in central Rio after the meeting which was great fun and such a pleasure to see more of what is such a beautiful city.
I look forward to seeing you in the near future and thanks again for letting me part of ICIEM 2017!
Best wishes,"


"It was a great meeting that we will remember fondly for the rest of our lives. Your hospitality and the invitation to participate was deeply appreciated.
Best wishes"
Maria L Escolar, MD. MS.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

University of Pittsburgh

Director, Program for the Study of Neurodevelopment in Rare Disorders

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

"Dear Roberto

Many thanks for organizing such a fabulous event. The science was strong and the venue perfect infused with the warmth of our Brazilian hosts that you led.
Warmest regards,"


Professor of Pediatrics and Immunology

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Chief, Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapies,

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

"Dear Roberto

Thanks, you should be very proud of the meeting.
  It was a great success and the quality of the science was excellent."

Dr Janice Fletcher

Clinical Director

Genetics and Molecular Pathology

SA Pathology

"Dear Roberto

I thought that ICIEM 2017was a brilliant meeting. Lots of very interesting and exciting presentations. It was also very good to see something of Rio which I very much enjoyed. Thank you so much for the invitation and the chance to participate. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
  Best wishes,"


"I very much enjoyed my time, but unfortunately did not have much time to do a lot of sight-seeing. So, I have a good excuse to return some day!!
The conference was excellent and of course if was great to catch up with many old friends and colleagues.
Once again, thank you for giving me the honour of presenting in the opening plenary session.
Best wishes."


"Dear Roberto
Congratulations on hosting such a great meeting. I had a wonderful time, and look forward to seeing you again in the future
Kind regards"

Dr Michel Tchan
Head of Department, Genetic Medicine, Westmead Hospital

It was a fantastic meeting, all your hard work shone through.

Anita Inwood
Metabolic Nurse Practitioner

I am very pleased to meet you in Brazil!
It was the best meeting that I have ever attended in terms of size and well-organized staffs and schedule.
I enjoyed Rio a lot. I hope I could visit your hospital in the near future.
See you soon."


"Dear Professor Roberto Giugliani,
Thank you for email and for your kindness. I also send you, "Congratulations for your success in ICIEM2017".
I really enjoyed my stay in Rio de Janeiro, although the flights between Japan and Brazil was tough.
Best regards,"

Takeyori Saheki
Emeritus Professor
Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima Japan

"Dear Roberto,
I really enjoyed every aspect of the meeting. You did a great job! I am sorry I did not contact you earlier but coming back I had to deal with  several problems!
I do hope I will have the pleasure to welcome you to Athens next year.
All the Best"


"Querido Roberto, De nuevo muchas felicidades por  la brillante organizacion del ICIEM que sin duda fue un éxito de asistencia y de nivel científico.
Para nosotros fue un placer  asistir de nuevo a una reunión de ICIEM en Rio y esperamos vernos pronto y sin duda antes de Sydney.
Gracias por todas vuestras atenciones!!! Un abrazo"

Dr. Jaume Campistol Plana

Servei de Neurologia

"Dear Roberto
Thank you for your kind hospitality in ICIEM meeting.
I enjoyed both scientific meeting and social events.
This meeting was well organized and the venue was very comfortable next to the official hotel. 
Thank you again for providing us this ICIEM meeting.
Sincerely yours"


"Dear Roberto
Thank you for your kind email. I congratulate you to the ICIEM 2017 symposium in Rio. It was a great success! I enjoyed it very much for many reasons. Many thanks to you and your team for the perfect organization and for hosting us.
Best wishes,"


It was a great meeting and mostly thanks to you.
Best wishes"


"Dear Roberto
As I mentioned during the session I had the privilege to co-chair, I wish to congratulate you for the great success of the Congress, for its perfect organization and for the excellent and gorgeous venue.
Luckily I also had the chance to  catch some wonderful views of the magnificent scenario of Rio’s bay and to visit the Centre of the metropolis. 
With my warmest regards,"


"Dear Roberto
Thank you so  much for organizing this successful ICIEM event in the amazing town Rio. I enjoyed the meeting very much..scientifically as well as the interaction with colleagues from all over the world.
Best wishes,"


"Dear Prof. Giugliani
We are very much impressed with your wonderful meeting in Rio and also with your strong leadership in the meeting.
The program was also exciting. We really enjoyed with ICIEM 2017.
Thank you for your kind invitation."

Yoshikatsu Eto M.D. PhD
Prof. and Director
Advanced Clinical Resesearch Center, Institute of Neurological Disorders

"Estimado Roberto,
Aprovecho la ocasión para felicitarte; fue un maravilloso Congreso y Río de Janeiro un lugar precioso para hacerlo.
Un abrazo y gracias nuevamente"


"Thank you so much for the invitation and for organizing such a successful conference. I think that there were many very important discussions held as a result of the plenary sessions and satellite meetings that will continue to improve the care we take of these precious children. Thank you for your key role in organizing this meeting. It was truly my pleasure to participate."
David Dimmock
Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine, San Diego, CA.

"Dear Roberto,
Thank you very much for your kind message.  I had a wonderful time at the ICIEM meetings.  I met many wonderful new people and rekindled old friendships.  Thank you very much for your invitation to speak.  I came away from the meeting with a new sense of hope that we are really making a difference that is being felt around the world.
All my best,"

Robert K. Naviaux, MD, PhD

Professor of Genetics

Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism
Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Pathology

Co-director, The Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disease Center (MMDC)
UCSD School of Medicine

"Dear Roberto,
First of all I would like to state that you are very kind and I would like to thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this organisation. All aspects of the meeting were excellent and extremely well organised. Also I enjoyed being in beautiful Brazil. 
Kindest regards"


Meus parabéns pelo extraordinário congresso que tu nos ofereceste. 
Tenho ideia do imenso trabalho que deu para fazer essa obra reconhecida por todos os estrangeiros que conversei. Foram unânimes.

Moacir Wajner MD,
Departamento de Bioquímica, UFRGS,

Serviço de Genética Médica, HCPA

"HI Roberto,
It was truly an outstanding meeting and congratulations for organizing the event.
With best wishes"

Charles P. Venditti MD, PhD
Head, Organic Acid Research Section
Senior Investigator, National Human Genome Research Institute
  National Institutes of Health

"Dear Roberto

Many amny thanks for organizing such a fabulous event. The science was strong and the venue perfect infused with the warmth of our Brazilian hosts that you led.
Warmest regards"

Paul Szabolcs, M.D.

Professor of Pediatrics and Immunology

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Chief, Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapies,

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

"Dear Roberto

The meeting was a great success and I would like to personally thank you for your hard work organizing!!
Rio is an amazing city that exceeded all expectations, and people there were incredibly friendly and kind.
I will make sure to visit again with my family to enjoy more time exploring the city attractions and culture.
Thank you again on behalf of everyone on the NIH team,"

Irini Manoli, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinician Associate Investigator
Clinical and Biochemical Genetics
Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch


I want to thank you for inviting me to the ICIEM meeting and to congratulate you on a very well executed International meeting. Everything was great and the organization was superb.

Nicola Longo MD PhD
Professor and Chief
Medical Genetics/Pediatrics
University of Utah

"Dear Roberto,
Thank you for a wonderful conference and a memorable experience in beautiful Rio.
Kind regards,"

Kevin A. Strauss, M.D.

Medical Director, Clinic for Special Children

"Dear Dr Giugliani,
Thanks for your hospitality.
I enjoyed the conference greatly.
The arrangements were superb.
Thanks again.
Regards and best wishes"

Rakesh Sindhi

"Dear Roberto,
I did very much enjoy and benefit from ICIEM2017. You organized an excellent meeting and have every reason to be proud of the result!!

Harvey L. Levy, MD
Senior Physician in Medicine/Genetics
Division of Genetics and Genomics
Boston Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School

"Hello Roberto,
Thank you for your gracious invitation to your wonderful country.
Hope to see you very soon.
Warm regards,"


"Dear Roberto,
Thank you very much for all your hard work and organization of such a huge and very successfull congress. In addition, thank you very much for inviting me as a faculty member, I very much appreciate it.
I hope that you can now relax after all that stress, thank you once more for organizing the ICIEM."

BW Viktor

ICIEM in Pictures

See pictures from ICIEM 2017:
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