Abstract Guidelines

    • All abstracts must be submitted electronically by May 5, 2017;
    • ICIEM participants may submit as many abstracts as they wish;
    • Outcome of the submission will be informed by June 20;
    • Abstracts could be accepted for presentation as oral communication, presentation as poster, publication in the abstract book only, or rejected;
    • If the abstract is accepted, the presenting author should be registered as delegate until July 5, 2017;
    • Accepted abstracts will be printed and published in the special supplement of JIEMS - Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening (official journal of the Latin American Society of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Neonatal Screening);
    • Encore abstracts could be accepted, provided this is informed at the end of the text.
    • Abstract category should be selected, please choose the one you consider the most appropriate among 26 options;
    • Between three and five keywords should be informed;
    • Your preference between “poster or oral communication” or “poster only” should be informed;
    • The title could have up to 200 characters, and should be entered in sentence-style capitalization (i.e. Phenylketonuria Treatment with Tetrahydrobiopterin);
    • Authors names should be entered one by one; affiliations of the authorsare required to be informed; the maximum number of authors perabstract is 20;
    • Abstract text will be limited to 2,500 characters, including spaces. This refers to the text only, not including title, authors and affiliations. We recommend to import the text from a word file. Please follow these guidelines when preparing the text:
      - A sentence stating the study’s objective;
      - A brief statement of methods, if pertinent;
      - A summary of the results obtained;
      - A statement of conclusion (it is not acceptable to state “the results will be discussed”).
    • Please do not include tables, charts, or other figures.
    • After submitted, abstracts could still be edited before the submission deadline of May 5, 2017;
    • Be sure to proofread your work carefully before submission. Please ensure your abstract and submission details are correct. It will be printed exactly as it appears in the abstract submission system.
    • IMPORTANT: When submitting the abstract, the presenting author will need to inform the e-mail addresses of all co-authors. To avoid duplication of records, these e-mails should be the same used when author or co-authors register in the congress.
    • A total of 64 abstracts, selected by the reviewers among the best scored, will be selected for presentation as oral communication;
    • The outcome of the selection of oral communications will be informed on June 20, 2017;
    • The presenter should agree with the presentation and will need to be registered as delegate at the meeting by July 5, 2017;
    • Oral communications will be scheduled for presentation in one of the 16 parallel sessions (4 presentations per session);
    • Oral communications will last up to 12 minutes, plus 2 minutes forquestions;
    • Abstracts selected for oral presentation could also be presented as poster, at authors’ discretion (this decision should be informed to the organizers by July 5, 2017).
    • The abstracts submitted, if not selected for oral presentation but considered of good quality by the reviewers, will be accepted for presentation as poster;
    • There is no limit to the number of abstracts which could be accepted for presentation as poster;
    • The outcome of the evaluation will be informed by June 20, 2017;
    • The presenting author of an accepted poster should be registered as delegate at the meeting by July 5, 2017;
    • Posters will be displayed during the whole meeting;
    • Posters should be hanged on September 5 (7:00 to 12:00, preferably) and removed on September 8 (12:00 to 18:00, preferably). Posters not removed by Sept 8, 18:00 will be discarded;
    • An attended poster session with drinks and appetizers will be held on Sep 6 from 17:30 to 20:00, and we recommend that one of the authors is available at the poster at that time;
    • The recommended poster size is 84 cm width x 118 cm height, or 33 inches width x 44 inches height (do not exceed the dimensions of 95 cm width and 120 cm height, or 37 inches width x 47 inches height);
    • Hooks/tapes for fixation will be supplied at the poster area.
    • Abstracts accepted for presentation as poster or oral communication could be withdrawn;
    • To withdraw an abstract, the submitting author should make this request by email to [email protected] not later than July 5, 2017.
    • From June 01 to July 15 the congress website will be open for submission of abstracts which fulfill criteria for presentation at the “Late Breaking News” session;
    • Criteria for selection as a “Late Breaking News” presentation include novelty and potential impact of the communication to the field;
    • A total of 3 abstracts will be selected for presentation at the ICIEM plenary closing session, to be held on September 8 from 14:00 to 16:00;
    • Presenters of “Late Breaking News” abstracts selected for oral communication will have 12 minutes for presentation plus 2 minutes for questions;
    • “Late Breaking News” abstracts not selected for oral presentation could be selected to be presented as posters, if fulfill criteria for selection in this category; the ones selected for oral presentation could also be presented as posters, in addition to the oral presentation;
    • The outcome of this selection will be informed on July 31, 2017;
    • Submitting authors of “Late Breaking News” abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster) should register at the meeting by August 15, 2017;
    • The presenters of the oral “Late Breaking News” communications will need to confirm attendance by Aug 15, 2017.
    • Abstracts selected to be presented at the “Late Breaking News” session will not be included in the Abstracts Book (JIEMS special supplement), but will be printed as an addendum to the abstracts book and distributed to the delegates;
    • All abstracts accepted to be presented as poster or oral communication will be published in the special supplement of JIEMS – Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening;
    • This supplement will be printed and distributed to all registered scientific delegates;
    • An electronic version of this supplement will be also available for download at the congress website.
    • The submitting author will be able to download the certificate (pdf version) of the presentation at the congress website right after the meeting.

Important Dates (Abstracts)

  • MAR/2017

    Submission of abstracts opens Het aantal auto-immuungerelateerde beroerteslachtoffers zal alleen maar toenemen door het steeds toenemende gebruik van antigenen. Naarmate het aantal beroerten in de wereld blijft stijgen, zal de behoefte aan nieuwe geneesmiddelen ter voorkoming of behandeling van T1D steeds groter worden. Naast nieuwe behandelingsbenaderingen is het van essentieel belang dat artsen de tijd nemen om hun eigen deskundigheid te ontwikkelen in de behandeling van de verschillende auto-immuunziekten die met deze aandoening gepaard gaan. Bij type 1-diabetes wordt de immuunrespons uitgelokt door de poging van het lichaam om apotheek online zich te beschermen tegen een binnendringend antigeen. Dit is een vorm van auto-immuniteit; het is een reactie die niet alleen in het lichaam optreedt als reactie op een gemeenschappelijk vreemd antigeen, maar die optreedt wanneer de T-celgemedieerde immuunrespons van het lichaam een individu ten onrechte identificeert als een binnendringende indringer. Bij type 2-diabetes wordt de immuunreactie echter uitgelokt door een binnendringend antigeen. Dit is een vorm van auto-immuniteit die optreedt wanneer de reactie van het lichaam abusievelijk wordt geïnitieerd als een aanval tegen een indringer.

  • 05/MAY/2017

    Last day for abstract submission

  • 01/JUN/2017

    Submission of “Late Breaking News” abstracts opens

  • 20/JUN/2017

    Information about outcome of abstract selection

  • 05/JUL/2017

    Last day for presenters of abstracts selected for oral presentation to confirm their attendance

  • 05/JUL/2017

    Last day for presenters of abstracts selected for oral presentation to inform if they would like to present the abstract also as a poster;

  • 05/JUL/2017

    Last day to withdraw an abstract

  • 15/JUL/2017

    Last day to submit a “Late Breaking News abstract”

  • 31/JUL/2017

    Information about outcome of Late Breaking News selection

  • 15/AUG/2017

    Last day for presenters of “Late Breaking News” selected for oral presentation to confirm their attendance.

Submit your Abstract

Late Breaking News


Submission of 'Late Breaking News' abstracts will be open from June 1 to July 15, 2017.
